January 31, 2020
Add to Calendar 20200131T0800 20200131T1500 Women's Cardiovascular and Brain Health Symposium

The Department of PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY at the University of North Texas Health Science Center hosted the 2nd Annual Women's Cardiovascular and Brain Health Symposium on Friday, January 31, 2020. Please view the event program for more information or contact dept.physio@unthsc.edu.

Our goals are to a) promote research addressing women's cardiovascular and brain health, b) provide the opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work, c) foster regional and local research collaborations, and d) raise awareness about the importance of women's health research.

Our Department has twenty-four full-time faculty members with diverse research interests spanning molecular, cellular, systems, and behavioral sciences. Research within the department is bolstered by more than $4 Million in grant funding which, together with institutional support, permits faculty to conduct cutting-edge research with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Further, the department offers a collegial and collaborative environment where faculty, post-doctoral fellows, students, administrators, and staff work together to promote a vibrant atmosphere for scientific research and discovery.

The department also provides high quality graduate training for students seeking to become scholars and teachers in the fields of physiology and anatomy, or those seeking to enter careers in applied research in government or private industry. Graduate degrees (MS, PhD) and dual degrees (DO/PhD, DPT/PhD) are offered through two graduate programs within the department, INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY and STRUCTURAL ANATOMY AND REHABILITATION SCIENCES. Both programs boast small student/faculty ratios, advanced area-specific courses, and extensive hands-on training via research, teaching, and outreach activities. The department takes great pride in providing an innovative and supportive educational environment for its students.

Event Information

Registration is closed.

January 31, 2020
8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
MET (Medical Education & Training Building) 109-111; 1000 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth, 76107

Event Details 

Agenda (PDF)

Abstracts (PDF)

Parking Instructions (Non-UNTHSC Attendees)

Presenter Instructions

1000 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107 Women's Cardiovascular and Brain Health Symposium brandy.klug@unthsc.edu

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Farida Sohrabji

Farida Sohrabji, PhD

Margie Davenport, PhD

Keisa Mathis

Keisa Mathis, PhD

Community Panel

Shanna Combs

Shanna M. Combs, M.D.

Sreenivas Gudimetla

Sreenivas Gudimetla, M.D.

Brianna Henderson

Brianna Henderson

Shanice Roberts

Shanice Roberts

Venue Map

1000 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107